Science Daily — 科學家們發現,2005 年 3 月 28 日發生於印尼亞齊省外海的地震導致了目前全球最大規模的珊瑚死亡事件。因為根據研究指出,一段長度約 300 公里的海床硬是被往上抬升了將近一公尺左右。

圖1. 被地震抬升而死亡的整片珊瑚礁(圖片來源:
最近來自野生動物保育協會的科學家們,連同 Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (ARCCoERS) 一起於 2007 年 3 月在印尼亞齊的 Pulau Simeulue 及 Pulau Banyak 這些被海嘯淹沒的島嶼中進行一項有關珊瑚礁狀況的調查。

圖2. 印尼 Simeulue 島嶼位置圖
沿線調查共涉及 35 個站點,全長約 600 公里(372哩)的海岸線第一次被記載其海岸線因地震而抬升。以整個 Simeulue 島嶼來說,其週長大約 300 公里(186哩)的範圍均因 2005 年 3 月 28 日的地震而向上上抬升了大約 1.2 公尺(3.9 呎),使得許多島上環狀珊瑚礁暴露在海面上。

圖3. Coral (Porites sp.) uplift on Simeulue Island, south-west Aceh, Indonesia. (Credit: ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University)
野生動物保育協會的 Stuart Campbell 博士於印尼海洋計畫報告中指出:「這是一個罕見的大規模死亡事件。與其他諸如珊瑚白化的現象比較起來,因地震被抬升起來的珊瑚根本無法存活。」
ARCCoERS 的 Andrew Baird 博士說到:「真是太讓人震驚了!被抬升起來的死亡珊瑚看上去依舊保存得相當良好,因為我們依舊可以去辨識每個種類,儘管它們已經被暴露在空氣下兩年左右的時間了(見圖 1)。在某些觀測站觀測的結果顯示有一些種類遭受 100% 的損失,不過目前已經有不同的物種在淺礁上盤據了。」Baird 接著說:「不過這也提供了我們一個難得的紀錄珊瑚的機會,唯有將它們紀錄下來,才能在新的世紀比較其復甦的狀況,畢竟過去我們都只能在珊瑚的化石中找循線索。」
Campbell 博士補充到:「其實發生在 Simeulue 島上的事情也不完全就是壞事一樁。因為在許多受創的地點,我們觀察到許多受影響的物種已開始重新回到淺礁區域裡繁殖了。珊瑚們似乎又回到了地震前的狀態,雖然要回復到原貌還得花上好幾年的時間。」
「目前最大的挑戰就是與當地的社區政府合作,以保護這些珊瑚礁確實的持續回收。」他說到。珊瑚礁研究小組從一片廣大的被保護海域中發現了枝狀珊瑚(branching corals)的聚集。同時,研究小組也第一次在印尼海域中記錄到了冠刺海星(crown-of-thorn starfish)所造成的大規模破壞狀況,這種海星是珊瑚的掠食者,牠目前在澳洲大堡礁以及世界其他各地的珊瑚群中造成極度嚴重的破壞。

圖4. 枝狀珊瑚群 branching corals

圖5. 珊瑚掠食者 - 冠刺海星 crown-of-thorn starfish
「目前去發現這種海星所造成的破壞相當的重要。」Baird 博士說到。「在印尼,類似像這種大規模破壞的發生通常是起因於人為的因素,例如以氰化物毒魚或漂白。不過現在對印尼防治珊瑚礁遭破壞又多了另一個需提防的事情,然而這個立即性的影響並不是人為活動所導致的。」

圖6. 冠刺海星為造成珊瑚白化的幫凶之一
不過對其他地方的珊瑚礁來說,尤其是 Pulau Banvak,持續性地對珊瑚礁魚群進行過渡捕撈以及使用氰化物的狀況依舊相當嚴重。這些作為都是非法的,值得印尼相關單位立即性的關切。
最後,Campbell 博士下了總結:「在亞齊省西南方的珊瑚礁狀況依舊不好,不過從某些證據來說,我們也是有發現到這些受損區域的確正在一日日的進步。這使得一些偏遠地區的珊瑚礁得以回復到往日的狀況。如果當地的政府能夠提供這些珊瑚回復時所需的條件以及加強管理,持續的對這些物種的重要棲息地提供生態保護,就可以幫助這些珊瑚找回昔日的繁榮。」
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Wildlife Conservation Society.
ScienceDaily:Massive Coral Death Attributed To Earthquake
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
相關報導:Date: April 17, 2007
珊瑚礁殺手 - 冠刺海星 - 入侵菲律賓海域
Predator Starfish Threaten Coral Reefs In The Philippines
Science Daily — An infestation of predator starfish is decimating large tracts of coral reef throughout the Philippines.

圖7. Crown-of-thorns starfish are voracious predators that can wipe out large areas of coral reef. An individual can consume up to 6 square metres of living reef per year. This photo was taken during WWF's latest COT clean-up dive, on April 4, 2007. (Credit: WWF-Philippines / RAF SENGA)
The spiny and toxic crown-of-thorns starfish are voracious predators that can wipe out large areas of coral; an individual can consume up to 6 square metres of living reef per year. Outbreaks of the species often occur when ocean temperatures and nutrient levels increase. Crown-of-thorns starfish have long spines and are capable of severe stings. Contact will almost surely inflict severe swelling, pain and nausea that can last for hours or days.
Unfortunately, some of the starfish’s major predators, such as humphead wrasse and giant triton, which usually keep the species in check have declined in recent years as a result of overfishing.
“We are experiencing a return of the starfish in greater numbers,” said WWF-Philippines CEO Lory Tan. “The situation facing our reefs is far from normal.”
The Philippines once boasted 25,000km2 of coral reef. However, a recent World Bank study shows that barely 1 per cent of this area remains pristine, and more than 50 per cent are reported to be in decline or unhealthy.
To combat the outbreak, WWF-Philippines is enlisting the help of beachgoers to reduce the number of starfish in an infested area. The most recent action netted hundreds from the world-class diving site of Apo Reef off the west coast of the island of Mindoro, about 100km south of the capital, Manila.
“In the long term, the best response to the situation is by putting a stop to overfishing and agricultural runoff, and to better manage sewage,” Tan adds. “It’s important to keep our oceans clean and our reefs well balanced.”
According to a WWF survey, outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish have been reported at Apo Reef and Puerto Galera in Mindoro, as well as at Mabini in Batangas, Roxas in Palawan, Bolinao in Lingayen Gulf, and Kiamba and Glan in Sarangani Bay. It is possible that many other coastal areas have been affected as well.
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by World Wildlife Fund.
ScienceDaily:Predator Starfish Threaten Coral Reefs In The Philippines