Jellyfish Population Explosion Leads To New Use For Waste Creatures
ScienceDaily — 正當我們關注該如何將出現爆炸性成長的水母 ─ 包含六英尺長、超過四百磅重的怪物 ─ 加以安置時,日本的科學家提出了一份報告指出他們發展出一種從這些海洋動物中萃取出具有商業利用價值的生物物質的方法,這個方法發表在 2007 年由美國化學協會出版的《天然物化學期刊(Journal of Natural Products)》當中。

圖1. Jellyfish populations have surged worldwide, a phenomenon variously attributed to global warming and artificial reefs built along coastlines.

圖2. 巨大的越前水母(Nomura jellyfish)。(圖片來源:

圖3. 巨大的越前水母,看起來像怪物(圖片來源:
由 Kiminori Ushida 教授所帶領的研究團隊指出,世界各地都出現了水母數量的暴增事件,這些現象都直指與全球暖化以及在海岸線建設人工珊瑚脫不了關係。這些動物變得令人討厭,因為他們導致核電廠或傳統發電廠海水進水口的堵塞,為此,研究人員亟欲想找出一種合乎成本的方法來將這些數量龐大的水母從環境中移除。

圖4. Numerous Nomura’s jellyfish entangled in a stationary net (off the coast of Amino Town in Kyotango City). (圖片來源:參考資料 1)
Recently, the surge of Nomura’s jellyfish in the Sea of Japan amounts to several thousands to several tens of thousands of tons even from one beach, causing major damage to local fisheries. Once removed from the sea, the jellyfish must be disposed of in the most effective way as industrial waste. It seems most effective to remove the water, which accounts for about 95% of its body weight, then dispose of the residual solid matter separately. Qniumucin can easily be extracted concurrently with the disposal treatment.
在新的研究中,他們描述了一項可以用來萃取出一種名為 mucin 蛋白質的高產率的方法,此外,如果你想要生產一種經過設計後的 mucin,你也可以拿它來當作製造的起始物,而且它還具有多種用途。在人體的各種部位中,只要有黏膜分泌處都可以發現它的蹤跡,mucins 潤滑了身體的表面,有時候它也具有抵抗細菌的功效。

圖5. Tandem repeats and molecular structures of qniumucin. (圖片來源:參考資料 1)
Mucin is a generic name for the family of polymer compounds comprising simple tandem repeats of amino acids and sugar chains bound thereto via O-glycoside bonds. Qniumucin and MUC5AC (a human mucin) have tandem repeats of eight amino acids, of which four are common to both. Ushida and colleagues have nearly clarified the primary structure of qniumucin (right).

圖6. Qniumucin under purification. Because qniumucin is freely soluble in water and can be easily prepared as a membrane, it is expected to serve as a raw material for new biodegradable materials (medical films, etc.). (圖片來源:參考資料 1)
在這篇論文中指出,由於水母的 mucin 與人類的 mucin 相當類似,因此或許可以取代目前必須由豬隻或牛才能獲取的 mucin,這些 mucin 可以使用在藥物傳遞上,也可以用在化妝品、食物添加劑以及生產成其他的產品。也許這個方法可以解決目前因為水母數量暴增所帶給人們頭痛的困擾。

圖7. 發展出自水母中萃取 mucin 方法的 Kiminori Ushida 教授
Adapted from materials provided by American Chemical Society, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
ScienceDaily:Jellyfish Population Explosion Leads To New Use For Waste Creatures
Mucin (Qniumucin), a Glycoprotein from Jellyfish, and Determination of Its Main Chain Structure
Akiko Masuda, Takayuki Baba, Naoshi Dohmae, Masahiro Yamamura, Hiroo Wada, and Kiminori Ushida
Journal of Natural Products, 2007, 70, 1089 – 1092. <Abstract>
1. A useful substance discovered in a nuisance creature
2. 曾經海洋的巨大威脅 巨型水母變害為 "寶" (圖)
3. Giant Jellyfish Invade Japan - 國家地理頻道
4. Wikipedia - Jellyfish,水母
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