
Six Environmental Research Studies Reveal Critical Health Risks From Plastic

暴露在雙酚 A(BPA)鄰苯二甲酸酯(phthalates)阻燃劑(PBDEs,多溴聯苯醚)在人類與實驗室動物的有害健康效應上有強烈地關聯。2008 年十月號的 Environmental Research 上有個專欄 --「A Plastic World(塑膠世界)」在環境污染物、有害生殖與行為影響上提供了新的關鍵性研究。

圖1. A new series of studies finds that exposure to plastic products contain "endocrine disrupting chemicals" are strongly associated with adverse health effects on humans and laboratory animals.

塑膠產品含有「內分泌擾亂化學物質(endocrine disrupting)」,能阻斷男性性荷爾蒙睪固酮(testosterone,禍首:用在 PVC 塑膠中的鄰苯二甲酸酯)、模仿性荷爾蒙雌激素(estrogen,禍首:用於碳酸聚酯塑膠中的BPA)以及甲狀腺素(thyroid hormone,禍首:用在許多塑膠當中的阻燃劑)的干擾。

在二篇文章關於胎兒暴露於鄰苯二甲酸酯的報告中,大鼠與人類雄性生殖器官的改變非常類似。二篇文章證明,胎兒暴露在 BPA 或 PBDEs 中會擾亂大鼠與小鼠腦部與行為的發展。二篇其他文章提供資料表示,這些化學物質嚴重污染海洋並危害水生生物。

圖2. Canada is now considering banning baby bottles containing bisphenol A, a chemical widely used in consumer plastic products.


這些文章證明,太平洋其他大規模的塑膠汙染以及汙染的總量,在最近幾年內大幅的增加;動物的腦部結構、腦部化學物質與行為的影響起因於 BPA 暴露,此外「鄰苯二甲酸酯症候群」也出現在大鼠的雄性後代。

"這是首度有一連串文章將共同出現,那確認用於製造不同類型塑膠的、總量有數十億公斤的化學物質,能從塑膠製品中溶出(leach out),而且當暴露發生在胎兒期或斷奶之前時,會導致對腦部以及生殖系統的傷害," Prof. Frederick vom Saal 說,「塑膠世界」專欄的客座編輯。

圖3. 提出塑膠產品揭露健康風險報告的 Frederick vom Saal 教授

"這些研究不只具有科學上的重要性,它們也對於進行中的、涉及 FDA 的美國國會聽證有所貢獻," Gert-Jan Geraeds 評論,Environmental Research 發行人,"因為這樣,「塑膠世界」有著更廣泛的社會衝擊,並喚起對愈來愈重要之環保議題的覺醒。"

1. Only Perception:六項研究揭露塑膠製品的關鍵性健康風險

1. 6 environmental research studies reveal critical health risks from plastic

2. ScienceDaily:Six Environmental Research Studies Reveal Critical Health Risks From Plastic

1. 科學,就是醬:塑膠有毒:雙酚 A 讓人們變成代謝症候群

2. 科學,就是醬:媽媽哺乳的煩惱 - 有害物質是否會藉由母乳傳給寶寶?


◎ The plastic world: Sources, amounts, ecological impacts and effects on development, reproduction, brain and behavior in aquatic and terrestrial animals and humans,
Frederick S. vom Saal, Stefano Parmigiani, Paola L. Palanza, Lorne G. Everett, Richard Ragaini,
Environmental Research, 108 (2008), pp. 127 - 130,
doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.03.008

◎ Synthetic polymers in the marine environment: A rapidly increasing, long-term threat
Charles James Moore
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◎ A critical evaluation of the environmental risk assessment for plasticizers in the freshwater environment in Europe, with special emphasis on bisphenol A and endocrine disruption
Jorg Oehlmann, Matthias Oetken, Ulrike Schulte-Oehlmann
Environmental Research, 108 (2008), pp. 140 – 149
doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.07.016

◎ Effects of developmental exposure to bisphenol A on brain and behavior in mice
Paola Palanza, Laura Gioiosa, Frederick S. vom Saal, Stefano Parmigiani
Environmental Research, 108 (2008), pp. 150 – 157
doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.07.023

◎ Overview of toxicological aspects of polybrominated diphenyl ethers: A flame-retardant additive in several consumer products
Chris E. Talsness
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doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.08.008

◎ Mechanisms of action of phthalate esters, individually and in combination, to induce abnormal reproductive development in male laboratory rats
Kembra L. Howdeshell, Cynthia V. Rider, Vickie S. Wilson, L. Earl Gray Jr.
Environmental Research, 108 (2008), pp. 168 – 176
doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.08.008

◎ Environmental phthalate exposure in relation to reproductive outcomes and other health endpoints in humans,
Shanna H. Swan
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doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2008.08.007