
Using Magenetic Nanoparticles To Combat Cancer

ScienceDaily (July 22, 2008) —美國喬治亞理工學院(Georgia Institute of Technology,Georgia Tech)的科學家們發展出一項具有潛力的嶄新對抗癌症的方法,他們將磁性奈米粒子接到癌細胞上,使其得以在人體內進行捕捉與執行任務。目前在實驗室中的研究已經完成測試,接下來將會把重點擺在存活實驗的研究上,詳細的實驗細節已經刊登在美國化學協會期刊(Journal of the American Chemical Society,JACS)網路版本中。

圖1. 透過磁場移動到老鼠腹部的磁性螢光奈米顆粒

圖2. Magnetic nanoparticles capture ovarian cancer cells.

來自喬治亞理工的生物學院主席,同時也是卵巢癌研究所首席科學家的 John McDonald 說到:「我們可以利用磁性奈米粒子去捕捉游離性癌細胞,然後將他們排到我們的體外。這項科技對於卵巢癌的治療來說也許特別重要,因為來自主要腫瘤(primary tumor)所釋放出來的游離性癌細胞(free-floating cancer cells)會進入腹腔中,使得惡性腫瘤擴散開來。」

這項研究的點子來自於理工學院中,化學與生化學院就讀的博士班學生 Kenneth Scarberry。他說其實最初始的想法是他的化學指導教授 John Zhang 要他利用這項技術去萃取病毒以及致命感染的細胞。他問這項技術可以應用在癌症嗎?Scarberry 建議提到對於防止癌細胞的擴散而言,這也許是能有效防止散播的手段。

圖3. 發展捕捉癌細胞之磁性奈米顆粒的 Z John Zhang 教授


圖4. In vivo peritoneal targeting of Hey and BG-1 cells with magnetic
nanoparticle-YSA peptide conjugates. (a) Green fluorescence of FDAloaded
Hey cells in the center of illumination through the abdominal skin
of an anesthetized mouse. The cells were pulled to the cavity surface by
the magnet via the nanoparticulate conjugates. (b) Close view of the FDAloaded
Hey cells emitting green through the skin at the site of the magnet.
(c) The nanoparticulate conjugates emitting red through the skin at the site
of the Hey cells shown in image b. (d) Magnetic nanoparticle-YSA peptide
conjugates observed through the peritoneum under a bright field at the site
of the magnet. (e) No visible fluorescence of FDA-loaded BG-1 cells through
the abdominal skin of an anesthetized mouse under the illumination after
the magnet was removed. (f) Close view of the green fluorescing BG-1
cells after the abdominal skin was removed. (g) The nanoparticulate
conjugates emitting red at the site of the BG-1 cells shown in image f. (h)
Magnetic nanoparticle-YSA peptide conjugates observed under a bright
field at the site of the BG-1 cells. Images were taken using a Canon C5050Z
digital camera on an Olympus SZX12 stereo microscope with green and
red filters, a mercury short arc HBO lamp, and using a 1.6× objective.

Scarberry 說:「如果這種療法在未來能通過更進一步的測試,並且證明它可以防止癌細胞從原始的腫瘤擴散到其他地方,那麼這將成為治療癌症的一種重要的工具。」


「如果你將奈米粒子進行修飾,同時利用一小段胜肽使它直接瞄準癌細胞,那麼我們的身體便不太可能會產生棘手的免疫反應問題,而且能更精確地以我們感興趣的細胞為目標。」研究科學家 Erin Dickerson 說。


Adapted from materials provided by Georgia Institute of Technology.

ScienceDaily:Using Magenetic Nanoparticles To Combat Cancer

Magnetic Nanoparticle−Peptide Conjugates for in Vitro and in Vivo Targeting and Extraction of Cancer Cells
Kenneth E. Scarberry, Erin B. Dickerson, John F. McDonald, and Z. John Zhang
J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2008; 130(31) pp 10258 - 10262; (Article)
DOI: 10.1021/ja801969b