Copper Surfaces May Inhibit Influenza A Transmission
Science Daily — 研究人員發現,銅金屬的表面比起不銹鋼更能夠預防 A 型流感病毒的散佈。

圖1. 銅金屬也許可以用來防止 A 型流感病毒散播,圖中顯示存在於岩石中的銅礦。(圖片來源:
A 型流感病毒(Influenza A)是一種具有高度散播能力的病原體。這個病毒在各種環境條件下都可以輕易的生存。早先的研究已經證實了銅金屬具有對抗微生物的能力,比如說對抗細菌,但是過去並沒有針對病毒進行測試。

圖2. A 型流感病毒電子顯微鏡圖
而在這個研究當中,將 A 型流感病毒分別曝露在銅金屬以及不銹鋼表面,並且在 71.6 ℉(22 ℃)下,於 50~60% 濕度條件下進行培養。在 6 小時之後進行檢驗發現,曝露在銅金屬表面下僅有 500 個病毒粒子具有活性,而經過 24 小時候,不銹鋼上有 50 萬的病毒粒子仍舊具有活性。
本研究論文標題:Inactivation of influenza A virus on copper versus stainless steel surfaces.
作者:J.O. Noyce, H. Michels, C.W. Keevil.
原始論文出處:Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2007, 73. 8: 2748-2750
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by American Society for Microbiology.
Copper Surfaces May Inhibit Influenza A Transmission
Science Daily — Researchers have determined that copper surfaces are significantly better than stainless steel at protecting against influenza A exposure.
Influenza A is a viral pathogen responsible for high mortality rates worldwide. The virus is easily transferred and can survive on a range of environmental surfaces. Previous studies have confirmed antimicrobial properties in copper against pathogenic bacteria, but antiviral activity has yet to be tested.
In the study influenza A particles were exposed to copper and stainless steel surfaces and incubated at 71.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 50 to 60% relative humidity. After 6 hours of exposure to copper only 500 virus particles were active, while 500,000 remained viable after 24 hours of incubation on stainless steel.
"The current study shows that copper surfaces may contribute to the number of control barriers able to reduce transmission of the virus, particularly in facilities, such as schools and health care units, where viral contamination has the ability to cause serious infection," say the researchers.
(J.O. Noyce, H. Michels, C.W. Keevil. 2007. Inactivation of influenza A virus on copper versus stainless steel surfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73. 8: 2748-2750).
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by American Society for Microbiology.
ScienceDaily:Copper Surfaces May Inhibit Influenza A Transmission
Inactivation of Influenza A Virus on Copper versus Stainless Steel Surfaces
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2007 73: 2748-2750.